Starting with Qeexo AutoML 1.15.0, existing STWin users will have the option to migrate support from OpenOCD to DFU-Util to achieve flashing, data collection, and live testing through a single USB cable, omitting the STLink programming adapter.

To take advantage STWin single cable support:

Note: This process is only necessary for first time set up.

  1. Download and install ‘dfu-util’ for your operating system
    Win – Steps 2B & 2C
    Mac – Step 2B
  2. Connect one end of the micro-USB cable to your laptop first – DO NOT CONNECT the cable to STWINK1B yet
  3. Locate and hold the USR button on the STWINK1B
  4. While holding the USR button, connect STWINK1B to the other end of the micro-USB cable.

A red LED on STWINKT1B should blink when the device is connected to your laptop indicating the device is powered and in normal status. Your device is now ready to flash in Qeexo AutoML.